Static Equip
Static Equip. Commissioning
1. Pressure vessels
2. Towers
3. Storage tanks
4. Heat exchanger
5. Heaters
6. Boilers
7. Reactors
8. Filters

Nitrogen Services
FGE is one of the leading companies for the provision of nitrogen helium testing. Our fleet includes nitrogen convertors, single skids, split skids, pumps, tanks, testing equipment, vaporizers and other ancillary equipment, is one of the newest and largest in the industry.
Our Nitrogen Services includes Nitrogen Purging, Nitrogen pressure test and Commissioning Leak Test and also we provide multi-disciplined personnel to offer a complete Integrated Services offering and a Leak Free Guarantee.
Pre-Commissioning & commissioning Activities
Chemical Cleaning
For most process industries contamination, oil or grease can’t be presented in any pressure vessels or tanks, so FGE has the core capabilities to provide full chemical cleaning services for different types of industries.
Pre-Commissioning & commissioning Services
During the pre-commissioning process, systems must be rid of loose debris and hydro testing fluid prior to start up, also FGE is capable to provide these services efficiently
Catalyst Handling Services
FGE is one of the most trusted Catalyst Handling and Specialized Industrial Cleaning contractor Compliance to safety, procedures & efficiency, supported by an experienced management team and world class, industry specific equipment, will ensure the success of your next catalyst turn-around through the co-operation with our high qualified partners.
FGE can efficiently provide clients with:
1-Catalyst Handling Vacuum Unit
2-Inert Entry Life Support Unit
3-Catalyst Handling Screening, Separationand Bagging
4-Mercury Chemical Cleaning andDecontamination
5-Specialized Confined Space Entry Into Hazardous Environments and Reactor Entry Technicians
Tanks & Vessels Boxing-up
The final step for the static equipment is the final boxing, FGE has all the equipment and
materials needed to box-up all types of static equipment

We provide specialist hydro-testing, pneumatic leak testing and a range of other pre-commissioning services.
Our team of experts are well experienced when carrying out hydrostatic activities on a wide range of new built and also repaired projects